Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hot Celebrity News And Gossip

The meaning of the word gossip has morphed into something closer to news instead of remaining something seedy. Entertainment news itself has thrown off the garb of being tagged as rumors of the back alley. Suddenly you have reporters on beat placed outside the houses of famous personalities, looking for actual sound bytes and paparazzi scoops instead of depending on little birdies.

Celebrity gossip tends to sensationalize. That is where there is fabrication and distortion of facts. Readers like to read their gossip in a way that entertains. They don't like entertainment news to be deadpan as the other news features that they read. To cater to this demand, yellow journalists are blending the two disparate worlds and offering the news pieces as infotainment. Journalists who had only dealt with supposedly serious topics like sports and crime are actively taking up Page 3 without any qualms.

Celebrity gossip news items are known to be a little sugar-coated and sometimes journalists add more than a touch of imagination while writing. Celeb gossip has a lot to do with wish fulfillment as well. More often than not, entertainment news items are written without even getting out of the work station. Readers of paparazzi scoops know this as well, so they prefer to check out more than one web portal before making a final call on a story.

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